

Parchis is board game derivative to "Parchisi" and similar to "Ludo".

  • 4 players (there are also boards for 6 or 8 players)
  • Boar, where the cases are set in a cross shape, yellow, red, green and blue, or more colors for the 6 or 8 players board.
  • 1 Six Faced Dice
  • 4 Pawns of the same colour for each player
  • Object - The players must take all of their pawns from the start to the point. For that, they must make a whole turn around the board and arrive before the opponents.


  • Start Space – Are the colored spaces on the corners, out of the other rows of spaces.

  • Exit –Are the colored Spaces next to the Start Spaces.

  • Shelters – Are the white Spaces with gray circles.

  • Final Strech – Are the colored cases that are heading to the center of the board till the final Space.

  • Barrier – Two same color pawns at the same Space make a barrier.

  • Capture – The word capture is used when a pawn occupies the position of an opponents pawn, in thiss case the latest one returns to it´s initial Space

The Game

At the biggining of the game all of the pawns are at it´s color Start Space. One pawn of each player will be removed automatically till the Exit. From this moment on each player, at their respective turn, must roll the dice and mandatoraly move their pawnss advancing according to the results.

The Players will only be able to remove the pawn from the Start Space till the Exit once they roll a 5 with the dice.

If this is not possible beacause there are already two of their pawns at the Exit or does not have any more pawns to withdraw from the Start Space, must then move 5 spaces with another piece.

Basic Rules

Only when the points obtained with the dice does not allow any move the player won´t do anything. In the other cases the player is obliged to make any move possible with one of it´s pawns.

  • The pawns move anticlockwise starting at it´s color start space until it´s color last space. Once at the last space the pawns can´t make no more moves.
  • One pawn can´t move until a space that already have 2 pawns. Only the Start Space and the last space can have 3 or 4 pawns. This rule prevails over others.

About the 6

When players get a 6 on the dice they must:

  • Advance six spaces with one of it´s pawns in case they still have pawns at it´s start space.
  • Advance seven spaces in case they no longer have pawns at their start space.

The player that gets an 6 can play the dice again. If they get a 6 again can repeat. If rolled a 6 for the third time, the last of it´s pawns that had been moved returns to the start space.

Only in case that this pawn has achieved the colored spaces of the final strech they won´t go back and will remain in it´s position.

About Barriers

None of the pawns can move trhough a barrier.

If a player has 2 of it´s pawns forming a barrier and gets a 6 with the dice they will be obliged to open the barrier. The only exception to this rule will occur when a pawn of the barrier advances and this one can´t, as it´s in another barrier in the middle of the path or fall into a space occupied by two other pawns.

About Capture

If a pawn falls in one of the white spaces, numbered and occupied by another pawn of another color this last will be captured and must return to it´s start space. The player that captured can advance 20 spaces with any of it´s pawns.

At the start spaces and the shelters, it´s not possible to capture and can be two pawns of different colors.

At the exit spaces can´t be more than 2 pawns and if a player has to leave with one of it´s pawns from it´s start space and meet other color pawns the last that has arrived and advances 20 spaces, with any of it´s pawns.

About the final case and end of the game

A pawn can only achieve the final case with an exact number obtained by the dice (or beacuse was counted 10 or 20). If the number is not exact can´t move.

The player that arrives with one pawn at it´s final space will advance 10 spaces with one of it´s pawns.

The player that gets 4 of it´s pawns at the final space wins, ending the game.


The player that first gets their 4 pawns at the final space wins, getting first place.

The other places are computed by the distance of each player pawns to the final space. The player that has the lower sum of distance gets 2nd place, the player with the second lower sum gets 3rd, and this way on.

On a table of 4 players, the players that get first and second will win points for the weekly ranking. The player that get third and fourth will lose points in the weekly ranking.

At the six players table, the three first players will win points, and the last three will lose points.

Learn how to play other Traditional Board Games

Amplify your knowledge at Board Games reading the rules and watching videos from similar games to Parchis .

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