

On GameVelvet tournament tournaments consist on various teams (or player in case of 1x1) formed randomly to compete among themselves, using the Swiss Pairing model which is the most widespread type of tournament and it has been used since 1895.


To play in a tournament just be on the chosen game tournament lounge and wait for the tournament countdown to the start. All tournaments have pre-set schedules. A tournament starts only if it reaches the minimum number of participants.

A tournament is divided in several rounds (depends on the game).

In the first round the teams that will compete are randomly assigned. In the following rounds the teams that will compete will be assigned according to the WPs to ensure greater competitiveness.

The duration of each round varies from game to game as well as the number of rounds.

All teams start the tournament with 0 (zero) WPs and 0 (zero) PPs.

A tournament is over when all rounds ends or when there are no more teams or players to compete.

Each teams score (WPs) in a round is defined by the following formula: number of players per table - team rank in the game.

For instance: In a 4 player game, if team A wins the game, its rank is 1, therefore: 4 (players) - 1 (rank) = 3. Team A scores 3 points. Last places will always score 0 (zero) points and teams that sores equal PPs (tie) will receive 1 WPs.

The winner of a tournament is the one who achieved the highest score among the winning teams. All of the winning team players will receive a 1st place trophy that will be available on the trophies gallery, as well as second and third places.

Check the minimum number of players for the tournament to happen:

IMPORTANT: The minimum number of players is 2 complete tables, but in order to score, this minimum doubles and it's 4 complete tables.

Card Games Minimum Players to Begin for award
Buraco 8 16
Buraco Justificado Mano a Mano 4 8
Buraco Mano a Mano 4 8
Tranca 8 16
Tranca Mano a Mano 4 8
Buraco Fechado STBL Mano a Mano 4 8
Megaburaco 8 16
Buraco Fechado 8 16
Buraco Fechado STBL 8 16
Buraco Fechado Sujo 8 16
Truco 8 16
Truco Mineiro 8 16
Truco Mano a Mano 8 16
Truco Mineiro Mano a Mano 8 16
Texas Hold'em 4 8
Poker 4 8
Cacheta 8 16
Pif Paf 4 8
Sueca 8 16
Mau Mau 8 16
Rouba Monte 4 8
Hearts 8 16
Spades 8 16
Move Move 8 16
Truco Gaudério 8 16
Scala 40 8 16
Scopone Scientifico 8 16
Scopa 8 16
Buraco Italiano Mano a Mano 4 8
Chinchon 8 16
Conquian 8 16
Gin Rummy 8 16
Belote 8 16
Tarot 8 16
Coinche 8 16
Board Games Minimum Players to Begin for award
Parchis 8 16
Ludo 8 16
Domino 8 16
Dominó Mano a Mano 4 8
All Fives Dominoes 8 16
Domino Draw 8 16
Chess 4 8
Brazilian Checkers 4 8
Spanish Checkers 4 8
International Checkers 4 8
Italian Checkers 4 8
English Checkers 4 8
Backgammon 4 8
Reversi 4 8
Battleship 4 8
Other Games Minimum Players to Begin for award
Sketch 4 8
Hangman 8 16
Pool 4 8
8 Ball Billiards 2D 4 8
Billiards 7 ball 4 8
  • A tournament is divided in many rounds.
  • The duration of each round varies from game to game.
  • The number of rounds is defined according to the number of players.
  • In two players games, the teams are randomly defined before the beginning of the first round of the tournament.
  • In the first round are drawn the players or their pairs that will face each other. In the next rounds, to guarantee a higher competitiveness, the opponents will be defined according to their rating in the tournament.
  • The rating of each player (or pair) in the tournament is updated at the end of each match, and is defined by the sum of the Victory Points (VP) of the players, having the Game Points only being accumulated as the main tiebreaker criterion.
  • The Victory Points (VP) are the points earned by the players according to their placement in the match result. In games 2x2 or 1x1, the winning pair or player gets 3 VP. In the event of a tie, each player or pair gets 1 VP. In games all versus all, like Poker, Chinchon, Scala 40, Ludo, MauMau, MexeMexe and others, all the players, except the last one, receive Victory Points for their placement.
  • The Game Points (GP) are the points that a player (or pair) earns during the match, according to the score rule specific of each game.GPs are stored during the tournament and used as a tiebreaker criterion.
  • All players begin a tournament with 0 (zero) Victory Points (VP) and 0 (zero) Game Points (GP) - except in Poker Tournaments, where the player begins with 500 Game Points (their initial tournament credits).
  • A tournament is only over when all the rounds end or if there are no players left to compete.
  • The winner of a Tournament is the player or the pair that reaches the higher score among the players, in other words, the highest rating. In tournaments that reach the minimal number of players for awarding, these players receive the 1º place trophy (Gold) in their accounts at GameVelvet. The players on 2nd and 3rd place receive Silver and Bronze trophies, respectively. According to the number of subscribers, players from 4ª to 15ª place will also receive an award for their performance.

Mounting the keys
Know the criteria the system uses when mounting the keys - The teams are chosen to play against the team with the closest performance, obeying the rule of not repeating opponents: same WP and close GP. In case there is no same WP for the determined key, the system chooses the best place in the rank on the lower WP level. Ex: There are 5 teams with WP = 9 and 5 teams with WP = 6. The system will make two keys with whoever has WP = 9 (a game between the team that has the lower WP = 9 against the team that has the best place with WP = 6) and another two games with the four teams left with WP = 6. - In case the number of teams or players does not complete a table, will receive the bye the players that got the least byes and have the lower performance.


The tie brake criteria goes as it follows:

  • Higher sum of game points (GP);
  • Direct confront between the tied;
  • Higher sum of opponents victory points (opponents VP);
  • Higher sum of opponents game points (opponents GP);
  • Higher sum of victory points of the accrued opponents;
  • Higher sum of points from the accrued opponents;
  • Shorter game time.


  • Higher sum of game points (GP);
  • Higher sum of game points from the opponents; (opponents GP);
  • Higher sum of points from the accrued opponents;
  • Shorter game time.
TOURNAMENT TYPES The tournament are segmented in 2 levels:
PRO Tournament
Anyone can join, no active passport or previews score required.

Winner: 3000 points
2nd place: 1500 points
3rd place: 1000 points
4th to 15th place: 500 points
16th and up: 300 points
Anyone with an active passport can join and there is no previews score or level limit required.

Winner: 5000 points
2nd place: 2500 points
3rd place: 1500 points
4th to 15th place: 1000 points
16th and up: 500 points

1 All the awards are only given to the ones that played until the end of the tournament. Awards in points for the ranking, as long as reached the minimal number of players for the awarding.

2 In tournaments of 4 to 15 players, only the first 4 receive awards in virtual credits. Above 16 players, the first 15 places get awards.

AUDIENCE BONUS Raise your tournament points with the Audience Bonus
This is the multiplier factor of audience bonus you can win a tournament, according to it's audience. After all, the more competitors, the harder it is to win!
On the tournaments with audience higher then the minimun players,
For example: if you score 1000 points for playing in a tournament with 66 players, where the minimum is 16 players, you'll receive 25% bonus (250 more for this index) totaling 1250 points.
In order to know the audience rate, check tournaments selection screen or the indicative thermometer in the tournament lounge.
  • Matches scores: Just like in the ranked rooms, during tournaments, the result of the matches in each round earn points to the ranking. Check the rules here.
  • Points by placement: Participating in just a few matches is not enough to earn the placement awarding, you have to play the tournament until the end (and the tournament has to reach the minimum number of participants for the awarding).

WPs (Winner's Points): Points won by a team according to its rank in the final score of a match.
PPs (Player's Points): Points scored throughout the match. The points are accumulated during the tournament and used as tiebreakers.
Team: a group made up of 1 or more players. Bye: the Team wins WPs even without playing. This happens when that team isn't able to get (an)other team(s) to compete against.

Bye: It's a team that get Winner's Points even without winning, beacuse they didn't get opponents on the game, but they don't get match points.