
Escopa Italiana Online MegaJogos Objective

Combine a card from your hands with one or more cards on the table to score as many points as you can and reach, before your adversaries, the previously selected score: 11, 16 or 21.


Hand = a round given name; multiple hands are played until the defined score is reached.

Escopa = from italian "scopa" (broom) is the action to clean the table, getting all cards to your pile in just one strike; to sinalize the Scopa, you must put a flipped card over the piles. Each Scopa is worth 1 point.

First = The highest card of each suit, that posses a different value from their individual one, defined by a different scoring scale. See the First's table os scores and calculation

7 Belo = the 7 of Diamonds (), that is worth 1 point.

Combination = action of playing one of the cards in your hand to draw one or more cards on the table that have the same value of the played card. Example: play a 4 to draw two cards of a value of 2; Play a 3 and drawing an Ace (A=1) and a 2. Check out the cards values for combinations:

CARD A 2 3 4 5 6 7 J Q K
VALUE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

General Rules

Three cards are distributed for each player and other four cards are placed face-up on the table.

At their own turn, each player must play a card from their hand to draw another(s) from the table and score points. For this to happen, must combine one or more cards on the table to even the one the player used.

When there is a meld (combination), the played card and the table cards go to a pile in front of the player.

When there is no meld (no possible combinations), the played card stays on the table for the next player.

When there is more than one option on the hand or the table (two or more possible combinations) for the played card, it's mandatory to form the combination with the least number of cards.

Example 1

Consider the following hand and table situation for a player:

Mesa Jogo Escopa Italiana MegaJogos

There are 3 possible combinations:

- Play the 4 from hand and draw the 4 on the table (same value).

Regra Escopa Online - Troca Permitida

- Play the 3 from hand and draw the 3 on the table (same value).

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- Play the Jack (J=8) from hand and draw the cards that, together, sum up to it's value. In this case there is a possible combination if the Jack is played: [ Ace (A = 1) + 3 + 4 ].

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The final decision about which card the player must play (4, 3 or J), must consider the scoring rules.

Example 2

Consider the following hand and table situation for a player:

Mesa Jogo Escopa Italiana MegaJogos

Again there are 3 possible options:

- Play the 4 from hand and draw the 4 on the table (same value).
- Play the 3 from hand and draw the 3 on the table (same value).

- Play the Jack (J=8) from hand and draw the cards that, together, sum up to it's value. In this case there is two possible combinations if the Jack is played: [ 6 + 2 ] OR [ Ace (A = 1) + 3 + 4 ].

Como Jogar Escopa - Troca Permitida Como Jogar Escopa - Troca Proibida

When there is more than one possible combination, the rule is clear: the player must chose the combination with less cards, in this case [ 6 + 2 ].

The final decision about which card the player must play (4, 3 or J), must consider the scoring rules.

When all player's hand cards are over, automatically 3 more cards are distributed each and this repeats until the deck is over.

At the end of each hand the points scoring happens, then , a new hand starts. The first to play is the one sit to the right of the previous starter, and so on.

Imagem Jogo Escopa Online MegaJogos

At the end of a hand, if there are still cards left on the table, they go to the pile of the last player that drew cards, but this clean up is not worth a Scopa.

Scoring While the individual value of each card indicates which combinations can be done, the player must consider the scoring criteria when it's time to decide which combination he/she will choose.

This is because the maximum score is calculated based in what cards the duo has on their pile at the end of each hand:

THE DUO THAT HAS: SCORES In case of a tie:
More cards 1 point No one scores
More cards from Diamonds suit () 1 point No one scores
The "First" 1 point No one scores
The "7 Bello" (7) 1 point -
More Scopas 1 point each scopa -

For the final score, all points from each hand are summed up. Wins the team that reaches first the maximum score choosen at the begining of the match (11, 16 or 21 points).

Understanding the "First"

For calculating the First, you must check the pile of each duo and consider only the highest card from each suit, following the value scale below:

CARD 7 6 A 5 4 3 2 J Q K
VALUE 21 18 16 15 14 13 12 10 10 10

The team that has the best result in the sum of those values wins the First, that is worth 1 point at the score.

The "A" duo finishes the game with the following cards, organized in suits, and with each suits top card placed on the right side of the others.

Regra Escopa Online - Primiera

This cards sum up 71 points, according to the First's table of values: card n.5 (=15) + card n.4 (=14) + card n.7 (=21) + card n.7 (=21).

If the "B" duo scored a lower value at the sum of the highest card per suit in their piles, the First's point goes to "A" team.

Tiebreaker Criteria

If the teams score over the score chosen at the beggining in a sigle hand, wins the duo that has the highest score. In case of a tie, one or more tiebreak hands are played until there is no more tie.

How to play

Learn how to play Italian Scopa in 10 steps at GameVelvet

1. For starters, choose the game's max score between the table options: 11, 16, or 21. Important: at Ranked rooms the max score is 16 points.
2. Press F8 key or click at GameVelvet's menu and select [ CHANGE CARDS ] to play with a numbered deck. After you're used to Escopa's rules, you can try the original Italian deck and raise your challenge.
3. Identify who is the one playing at the moment by the yellow frame around the player's avatar or photo.
4. Remember, the game flows anti-clockwise. The first player in each hand is the one just right to the previous starter.
5. Click over the card that you wish to play and then click over one or all cards from the table that you wish to draw, being sure that they form a valid combination. This card will automatically go to a pile in front of you.
6. If it's not a valid combination, the selected cards won't leave the table and you'll need to select again.
7. Memorize the value of each card for hastening your combinations:

CARD A 2 3 4 5 6 7 J Q K
VALUE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

8. Pay attention for the Diamond suit cards, the 7 Belo card (7 of Diamonds) and to the 6's and 7's of any suit: they have a hiogher value for the First's calculations. If you can, draw them.

9. Memorize all values for the First's calculations. The more high value cards you have at your pile, higher the chances to score the First's point to your final score.

CARD 7 6 A 5 4 3 2 J Q K
VALUE 21 18 16 15 14 13 12 10 10 10

10. As soon as you learn how to play Italian Scopa, you'll want to play more and more! Keep on!

In bocca al lupo! Good luck!


The game Scopa ("broomstick" in italian) is, up to today, one of the most popular card game in Italy. The fun is eternalized in country cities, where italians play games at the parks, challenging each other and yelling Fatto Scopa! (wiped the table) every time they do it.

Traditionally, Scopa is played with a Napolitan card deck (from Naples - in italian Napoli, in neapolitan Napule - an iintalian community from the south of Italy, at Campania region, world famous for it's history, music, natural appeal and the land where pizza was invented.

At the Napolitan card deck there are 4 suits: Coppe (Hearts), Ori (Diamonds), Spade (Spades) and Bastoni (Clubs) with values from 1 (Ace) to 7, plus 3 figures: Fante (Jacks, worth 8), Cavallo (Queen, worth 9) and Re (King, worth 10).

The rules are basically the same as Italian Scopa from GameVelvet. And there are more traditional Scopa variants, like the "Asso piglia tutto" (Ace takes all), where tjhe player that plays an Ace draws all cards on the table.

The game is played very often at the italian descendents communities all around the world, being popularized during the 20th century.

Learn how to play other Italian Card Games

Amplify your knowledge at Card Games reading the rules and watching videos from similar games to Scopa .

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