The GameVelvet Battleship is an adaptation of the classic version with new special and more strategical features. This game is played by 4 people. There is 1 game board for each one: a total of 4 game boards.
The Game
The game is divided into 2 phases: The ships deployment and the battle itself.
Ships Deployment
In the first phase, you must deploy your ships throughout your field. They are randomly placed on the board in the beginning of the game. To redeploy them, click on the ships to select them, mouse-drag them to any other position and drop them on the spot you desire. You can also right-click on the ships to rotate them. It's not possible to overlap them.
Once your ships are properly deployed on the board, click on the ?Ready!? button. To avoid an accidental click on that button, you must click on, at least, one ship before the ?Ready!? button is activated. If you want to keep the original deployment, place the ship where it already was.
You've got 90 seconds to deploy all your ships. When that time's up, the system takes it you're ready. Once the players are all set, the game begins.
On your turn, you must fire using your ships. To do so, first click on a ship, then click on a square on the opponent's game board in order to shoot there. If your cursor becomes red, it means you can't fire on that square.
A ship can fire only once per turn. So select a ship and choose which action it will carry out in that round. When you're ready, click on the ?Fire? button. This enables all ships to fire and resume your round.
A ship may also skip its turn during a round. In that case, it gets a bonus of 75 points in firepower (see below).
Firepower and Special Shots
Every ship has a given firepower ranging from 0 to 1000. That firepower is used by the ship to fire specials shots which are much harder-hitting than the ordinary ones. There are several ways to get your special firepower:
To use a special shot, just select it on the bottom left console of your screen before you choose your target. You can either use one special shot or an ordinary one during a round.
When a ship is hit for the first time, all 8 squares around the first hit square are BLOCKED. Players can fire at none of the blocked squares until the player who fired and caused the blockade reaches his/her turn to play.
Special abilities always reach the target right on its midpoint and outwards to its edges. Larger ships always fire first.
Sinking Ships and Winning the Game
To sink a ship, just hit it in all squares it occupies. Your opponent is defeated once all his/her 6 ships are sunk. You don't have to hit your opponent's buoys to defeat him/her.
The buoys are a special case in this game. They take just one square and never appear as a sunk piece after being hit. The other players will only realize a buoy has sunk after hitting all the neighboring squares (ranks and files) around it.
Ship Description
There are numerous ways to play the GameVelvet Battleship.
Amplify your knowledge at Board Games reading the rules and watching videos from similar games to Battleship .
This game has achievements and a weekly ranking.