
The game

Truco Online The main objective of the game Truco is to make 12 points before your opponent does.

Points are disputed by the hands that are divided into 3 rounds ("best of three"), where it starts at 1 point, and it is possible for players to increase to 3, 6, 9 and 12 points, in that order.

In each dispute, a card is turned on the table (flips) defining which will be the highest cards (shackles) in that hand.

Truco Paulista e Truco Mineiro - Android e iOS TRUCO PRO Download the GameVelvet app to play Truco Paulista Online and Truco Mineiro Online! Play for free and without registration. Truco Paulista - Truco Mineiro - Google Play Truco Paulista - Truco Mineiro - App Store


Learn how to play Truco with the Game Rules.

Game worth points obtained at the "hand"
fraction of the game that is worth 1 point and may have its value increased to 3, 6, 9 and 12; hands are played in better of 3 games
fraction of the hand, happens in the rounds that the players shows a card
Flip card
card that is turned to define the 4 hand shackles
the four biggest cards in the game, they are decisive and can't tie
Zap", "Gato" or "Zorro
the highest card in the game and its suit will always be Clubs; also called "7 of clubs"
Copa, Copilha ou Copeta
second largest and its suit will always be hearts; also called "7 of hearts"
Espada" or "Espadilha
third largest and its suit will always be Spades; also called "7 of spades"
Golds, "Pica-Fumo", "Bebinho" or "Mole"
fourth largest and your suit will always be Diamonds; also called "7 of diamonds"
Truco, Three Points
initial proposal to raise the hand value to 3 points
Six, "Meio-Pau", "Meia-Vara", "Meio-Saco"
proposal to raise the hand value to 6 points
proposal to raise the hand value to 9 points
Twelve or Fall
proposal to raise the hand value to 12 points
Draw, "Embuchar", "Cangar", "Melar"
when, in a given round, the highest card of each pair is of the same value (except shackles)
Covered card (hide)
a card that is worthless, is played face down; an option available only in the 2nd or 3rd round
Hand of Eleven
when a pair makes 11 points in the match
Iron Hand (Dark)
when the two pairs score 11 points in the match


To get to know the game better and learn how to play at GameVelvet, watch our videos demonstrating how to trick, order six, play cards on the table, hide them, pass signals to your partner and other actions.

The device used in the videos is an Android smartphone, however, the gameplay remains the same on devices that run iOS, such as iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

Truco Signs

Sinais do Truco Online MegaJogos The four facial signals available at GameVelvet are always the same, but the relationship between the signal and the shackles changes with each round. That is, showing your tongue can mean that you have the 'zap' or 'gato' in one round and in the next, it can mean a sprat or swords.

Always follow the graphic that appears in the lower right corner in the Windows, Mac, Linux application and in the lower left corner on iOS, Android and Facebook.

All players see the signals that are exchanged by the pairs, but only the partners know what each one represents. These can be sent at any time during the game, so feel free to signal your plays!

Do you want to know how the facial signs are used in real life games?
Access the official GameVelvet blog and learn what Truco Signs are the most used by players of this game in face-to-face games."

History of Truco

Partida Truco Inglês, Francês e Espanhol The origin of the game is uncertain, but it is believed to have been born in 17th century England and has fallen into disuse for many decades. It resurfaced in France as 'Truc', which means 'trick' in French, and also spread in Spain, where it received the name 'truco', with the same meaning. Other words present in the game, such as 'manilha' (of Spanish origin), 'zape' (Italian) and 'espadilha' (Portuguese) contribute to this uncertainty.

Years later, the card arrived in Brazil with Portuguese colonizers and Italian and Spanish immigrants who, during the Gold Cycle teemed in the cities of Minas Gerais, and became the favorite leisure activity of the tropeiros at the time.

Some scholars speculate that it was already played in Bahia, long before the European immigration. Gambling is speculated to have been brought by the first exiles. Yet another version indicates that it was brought by the court of D. João VI.
Origem do Truco no Brasil
Fact is, it was so well received by Brazilians that, throughout the ages, it remains one of the most popular pastimes in the country and won regional sports such as Truco Paulista, Truco Mineiro and Truco Gaudério. Gaudério, also known as Truco Cego or Gaúcho, uses a Spanish deck, very popular in Argentina and in the south of Brazil - Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. Visit the game's page on wikipedia for more curiosities.

Recognized for its gift of bringing people together, you can have fun playing online on the GameVelvet network and make new friends!

Sports and leisure!

8 Federações de Truco no Brasil In São Paulo, the Federação Paulista de Truco ( São Paulo Federation of Truco - FPT) represents about 4 million players, and in Brazil that number exceeds 20 million players. The love is so great that the game entered the official State calendar: every second Sunday of the month of July is celebrated the Truco Day (Law nº 5.285 of September 8, 1986).

There are 8 Federations throughout Brazil: São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, and Brasília.

Choose the best variation

Rules Paulista Rules Mineiro's Rules Gaudério's Rules
Number of Players 4 (in pairs) 4 (in pairs) 4 (in pairs)
Deck type Traditional 52 cards Traditional 52 cards 40 cards Spanish
Removed Cards Wildcards, 8, 9 and 10 of all suits Wildcards, 8, 9 and 10 of all suits Wildcards, 8, 9 of all suits
Distribution of Cards 3 for each player 3 for each player 3 for each player
Goal 12 points 12 points 24 points
Hand 2 to 3 rounds = 1 point 2 to 3 rounds = 2 points 2 to 3 rounds = 1 point
Hand score Increase 3, 6, 9, 12 4, 6, 10, 12
Truco =
2 points
Retruco =
3 points
Vale 4 =
4 pontos
Flip card The card that is turned to define the 4 hand shackles --- ---
Shackles All cards that are one point above the 'call', follows an example:

Call: king of diamonds
Shackles: (bigger ? smaller)
  1. Ace of clubs
  2. Ace of hearts
  3. Ace of spades
  4. Ace of diamonds
Fixed: (bigger ? smaller)
  1. 4 of clubs
  2. 7 of hearts
  3. Ace of spades
  4. 7 of diamonds
Fixed: (bigger ? smaller)
  1. Ace of spades
  2. Ace of clubs
  3. 7 of spades
  4. 7 of diamonds
Order of shackle suits (bigger ? smaller)
  1. Club
  2. Hearts
  3. Spades
  4. Diamond
--- ---
Cards order (bigger ? smaller)
  1. Shackles
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. A
  5. K
  6. Q
  7. J
  8. 7
  9. 6
  10. 5
  11. 4
(bigger ? smaller)
  1. Shackles
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. A
  5. K
  6. Q
  7. J
  8. 7
  9. 6
  10. 5
  11. 4
(bigger ? smaller)
  1. Shackles
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. 1 of hearts
  5. 1 of diamonds
  6. 12 (Kings)
  7. 11 (Horses)
  8. 10 (Jacks)
  9. 7 of clubs e 7 of hearts
  10. 6
  11. 5
  12. 4
Covered card (hide) Worthless Worthless ---

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