
Game Description

The card game Briscola is played with a 40 Napolitan cards deck, split in 4 suits (Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs and Spades) with 10 cards each. The players from each duo are placed in and alternate fashion around the table.

The Game

From the second hand, only the first to play can make a 'Declaration', with one of the following expressions:
'Busso' (Knock): wants the 'best', that is, invite the partner to play the best card in hands, and if it's a win, return to that suit.

'Volo' (Flight): indicates that the card he/she is playing is the last from that suit.
'Striscio' (Drag): indicates that there is more cards from that suit, but not a Onori card (3,2 or Ace).


The game Scopa ("broomstick" in italian) is, up to today, one of the most popular card game in Italy. The fun is eternalized in country cities, where italians play games at the parks, challenging each other and yelling Fatto Scopa! (wiped the table) every time they do it.

Traditionally, Scopa is played with a Napolitan card deck (from Naples - in italian Napoli, in neapolitan Napule - an iintalian community from the south of Italy, at Campania region, world famous for it's history, music, natural appeal and the land where pizza was invented.

At the Napolitan card deck there are 4 suits: Coppe (Hearts), Ori (Diamonds), Spade (Spades) and Bastoni (Clubs) with values from 1 (Ace) to 7, plus 3 figures: Fante (Jacks, worth 8), Cavallo (Queen, worth 9) and Re (King, worth 10).

As regras The rules are basically the same as Italian Scopa from GameVelvet. And there are more traditional Scopa variants, like the "Asso piglia tutto" (Ace takes all), where tjhe player that plays an Ace draws all cards on the table.

The game is played very often at the italian descendents communities all around the world, being popularized during the 20th century.

The game ends when there are no more cards to deal, and the winner is the one with the biggest mount of cards. If the number of cards is the same between 2 or more players, it is a tie.

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